"Participate in an influential networking movement that ignites inspiration for justice and propels measurable change."

"In our communities, homelessness and human trafficking intersect, creating a hidden crisis that often goes unnoticed. The G.I.V.E. Project exists to raise awareness of this relationship, explore the challenges faced, and offer solutions that empower everyone to combat both homelessness and human trafficking."

"Together, we can create a movement that saves lives!

Uncover the Hidden Connection: Homelessness and Human Trafficking

"Just as water erodes soil to reveal its hidden roots, exploring the connection between homelessness and human trafficking unveils a deeper, complex reality beneath the surface.

It's crucial to understand the intersection of human trafficking and homelessness to develop targeted interventions and empower as many people as possible to be a part of bringing change to the landscape."

brown tree trunk with green moss
brown tree trunk with green moss

Homelessness: Statistics and Stigma

  • In 2022, 882,932 people experienced homelessness in the United States. (100,000 are children)

  • Causes of homelessness are multifaceted and include factors such as aging out of foster care, lack of affordable housing, economic instability, mental illness, substance abuse, domestic violence, natural disasters and more.

  • Homelessness is not limited to adults; three in five college students experience housing insecurity, and over 20,000 young people age out of the foster care system each year, putting them at higher risk for homelessness.

  • A comprehensive approach is required to address homelessness, involving affordable housing initiatives, mental health services, mobilizing people, education awareness, tools to help and more.

person sitting beside building looking straight to the street at golden hour
person sitting beside building looking straight to the street at golden hour

Human Trafficking: Demystifying and Distinguishing

What is Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, harboring, or receipt of a person through threats, force, or coercion for exploitation. It is considered modern-day slavery, affecting people of all ages, genders, races, and nationalities.

Human trafficking includes two main categories:

  • Sex trafficking, which involves inducing commercial sex through force, fraud, or coercion.

  • Labor trafficking, which recruits individuals for labor or services through force, fraud, or coercion.

woman with hands tied
woman with hands tied

The Real Face of Human Trafficking includes...

  • Victims of human trafficking can come from any background and may include runaway youth, who are particularly vulnerable.

  • Contrary to popular belief, many victims know and trust their traffickers:

    In sex trafficking, 42% were brought into trafficking by a family member, and 39% through an intimate partner.

    In labor trafficking, 69% were recruited by potential or current employers.

    Friends, family, neighbors and those who are aware of the signs, play a vital role in helping victims escape trafficking.

"It's truly eye-opening that human trafficking victims don't fit the customary mold of children tied up in ropes, as movies or the picture above suggests; instead, they encompass a broader and more varied range of people."

Homelessness and human trafficking are interconnected in various ways, though not all homeless individuals are trafficking victims, and vice versa.

  • Vulnerability: Homeless individuals are more vulnerable to exploitation due to their lack of stable housing and resources, making them targets for traffickers.

  • Survival Sex: Homelessness can lead to "survival sex," increasing the risk of being coerced into commercial sexual exploitation.

  • Recruitment: Traffickers prey on vulnerable homeless individuals, using manipulation, deception, or force to recruit them.

  • Hidden Nature: Both issues often remain hidden from public view, complicating identification and support efforts.

  • Intersectionality: Some individuals experience both homelessness and trafficking simultaneously.

The Link Between Homelessness and Human Trafficking:

At The Intersection....

Seizing every opportunity with intention allows us to make a profound difference in the lives of those in need, much like where human trafficking and homelessness intersect. Our daily choices can become transformative acts of kindness, compassion, and support, creating a ripple effect of positive change that extends beyond our immediate actions. Embrace this power to be a beacon of hope and a force for good in a world that urgently requires our active participation in making a difference.

The G.I.V.E Project

Efforts to combat human trafficking and homelessness often involve a multi-faceted approach that includes outreach, social services, law enforcement, and advocacy. Collaborative efforts between organizations and agencies addressing both issues can be particularly effective in identifying and assisting individuals who are victims of human trafficking within homeless populations. These efforts aim to provide not only immediate support and shelter but also long-term solutions to address the root causes of vulnerability and exploitation.

Our Vision

"We envision a transformed world where compassionate individuals and organizations directly partner with justice in combating homelessness and human trafficking."

Our Mission

"Our mission is to rapidly empower a global community to Go Impart Value to Everyone through impactful outreaches, raising awareness, and providing essential tools in partnership with justice. We aim to address homelessness and human trafficking by delivering immediate aid and resources while empowering Christians to actively share the gospel on the go."

Our Motto

"G.I.V.E. compassion, G.I.V.E. the Gospel!"

We offer Compassion Kits which include a questionnaire, enabling individuals who are victims of trafficking to assess their circumstances and make an outcry for help, while also sharing the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Why use a questionnaire?


Most victims of human trafficking remain unaware, trapped in a web of manipulation and fear. They've been brainwashed into depending on their traffickers, who use cunning tactics to make them believe they care while promising a brighter future, all the while instilling intense fear in their hearts.

It's not until each victim makes a cry for help that they can be rescued and in some cases the trafficker can be brought to justice!

Join The Fight Now!

The Choice Is Yours

Contact Us For More Information

  • Request Anti-Trafficking Awareness Presentation

  • Learn the Signs of Trafficking Victims

  • How to Help Trafficking Victims

  • Empowering Your Church to Share the Gospel with the Homeless

  • And Much More (Additional Topics)